Hello from our CEO - Spring 2022

We have successfully closed out the financial year of 2022, during which we have found our rhythm across capital and capability, growing capacity for social impact.

Over the last few months, we’ve been busy wrapping up several amazing engagements through the Social Sector Transformation Fund (SSTF). Compared to the earlier phase of the initiative, we could spend more time on the ground, face-to-face with our clients and their community. Read how we helped Play Group NSW articulate its vision, and develop the capability to expand its growth and impact.

Our work with 35 SSTF clients has confirmed what we knew all along – organisations need support with early capability building – which may transition into investment readiness and a successful capital raise over time - at a pace that suits them. We share some initial reflections on what this means from a broader system’s approach between government and delivery partners in community below. And if you want to learn more about building capability for small organisations, consider attending the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) conference mid-October. The free event aims to leverage the sector’s collective wisdom and take stock of what we have achieved together, what lies ahead and what is needed for the future.

Already halfway through September, we’re looking forward to seeing our integrated capacity offering truly thrive in Sefa’s next phase of growth. We recently visited new and existing partners in Melbourne and Brisbane to have fruitful conversations and exchange ideas. There’s momentum around critical topics such as the importance of tailored advice for organisational resilience, the support for gender equity across leadership and beneficiaries, and interest in exploring new investment tools that cater to growth stage ventures.

In a few weeks we will be on the road again. We’ll be at the Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF), running a workshop to demystify debt for purpose-driven organisations. Speaking of the mystery of debt, Tanya, one of our Social Finance Relationship Managers, has developed a new series on how purpose-driven organisations can get proactive and prepare for funding. She kicks off the series with a discussion on defining your intentions to start a meaningful conversation with investors.

And we wouldn’t be Sefa if we didn’t also have some team fun in and around the office. To give you a taster, check out the swing dance flash mob we put together for our wonderful COO Linda to celebrate her 5-year anniversary with us.

On this note, I wish you well and keep up the dance for social change. Until next time…



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