The Weekender - Spring 2022

Welcome our Sefa recruit Myrna in the role of Engagement Manager! Let’s find out what she likes to do on the weekend.

To get the weekend started Myrna likes to make the most of the morning.

I am up by 6:30am at the latest, as our dog, Mikey, does not negotiate on the terms of his morning walk.

Coffee and a croissant - an essential morning duo.

Nothing fills my soul with joy like a well-made almond flat white and soft, buttery, and plain -not filled! - croissant after a good walk and a game of fetch in the park.

Time to catch up on the news and a snooze.

After a brisk walk and coffee, there’s nothing like putting your feet up and catching on the news of the week on the couch. The Monthly and the Saturday Paper are Aussie essentials of the weekend ritual, as well as the Guardian, and other overseas news outlets. Then, there may well be a cheeky little nap…

The afternoon is all about the luck of the draw.

When I first moved to Australia, I bought a pack of cards called “50 Walks of Sydney”. Each month, if we don’t have plans with friends, we do at least one, which lets us check out new neighbourhoods around the city. Alternatively, we grab the dog and head out to a dog beach or an off-leash park for a good long walk. Mikey has certainly brought a lot more nature - and steps - into our lives.

Being a Mexican, Myrna is a food and drink connoisseur.

I am proud of my country’s cuisine and heritage and have a high bar for Mexican food and spirits in Sydney. To date, I have found only a few places that pass the test. Yet, Sydney keeps surprising me with new Mexican places all the time, so I’ll just keep checking them out!

My love for the big screen

I like to take in a trip to the cinema on a Sunday night to round off the weekend. I love a good film festival, and enjoy movies from any culture, in any language, with subtitles galore. However, people are often surprised to find that my guilty pleasure is the good old Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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