Supporting the transformation of small to medium sized NFPs in NSW with no-cost advisory and information services

It’s been a month since the Ministerial announcement of the availability of no-cost advisory and information services for eligible not-for-profits in the health and social sector through the Social Sector Transformation Fund (SSTF). The availability of these services recognizes the need to support organisations that play a crucial role in the lives of people across the State and that they have been hit hard by the pandemic, with surges in demand and increased costs of providing COVID-safe services.

We at Sefa are thrilled to be able to contribute to the NSW Government’s ambition to support SSTF eligible organisations to modernise their operations — with a focus on capability building and improving business strategies. We specialise in the provision of services relating to governance and strategy, as well as providing support to organisations to evaluate their own services and delivery models. We have recently established a landing page where interested organisations can quickly work through a short questionnaire to give us a high level understanding of their needs and how we might be able to support them. Our newly welcomed Engagement Coordinator, Michael Collins, will then work directly with the organisation to develop an appropriate scope of work. 

We are looking forward to working with lots of diverse organisations around the state as we support a more resilient purpose-driven sector. It is exciting to have signed up our inaugural SSTF client – First Steps Count Inc (FSC) – an organisation that is spearheading the construction of a unique facility in Taree (with construction grants from the State government and philanthropic funding). The building will be located in a region where outcomes for children have been consistently poor. In an effort to challenge what has traditionally been a fragmented/siloed approach to services, FSC will offer a coordinated approach to the delivery of services and programs. We are looking forward to supporting the leadership team at FSC to: establish an operating model that supports sustainability; develop an outcomes framework and build the evidence base to demonstrate achievement of impact; and, support strengthen governance capability.

If you think your organisation is eligible and would benefit from some deep engagement with the Sefa team or you know someone who may be interested in working with us, please contact us here, we would love to hear from you.

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