The Power and Backing of Community Crowds Drives Social Change

We are excited that Sefa and Sefa Partnerships are supporting the next The Funding Network (TFN) Virtual Live event that is taking place on Thursday 18 November. This special virtual live crowdfunding event will spotlight the life-changing work of social enterprises that are supporting Australians in need.  

Hannah Miller, Head of Sefa Partnerships, was on the panel that selected the three pitches for the night from a compelling number of submissions. 

Join us to hear incredible stories from three remarkable organisations: Green Fox Studio; Hotel Etico and WomenCAN. Together, they provide employment and training for incarcerated individuals in Queensland; offer employment and learning opportunities to young people with intellectual disability in New South Wales; and support women experiencing disadvantage to become work-ready in Victoria. 

Sefa has pledged to provide a pro-bono capability building session to each social enterprise based on their needs and their ambition to drive social outcomes through the power of impact business. 

With three inspiring non-profit leaders set to share their incredible stories, and generous matched funding thanks to the English Family Foundation and the Snow Foundation, this promises to be an uplifting evening of laughter, fun, storytelling and generosity that will stay with you long after it's over. To find out more about the enterprises you can support with your virtual backing, and register to participate in the live event go here: The Funding Network - TFN Virtual Live, Thursday 18 November 2021

In the same vein of ‘crowding in’ funding support for social enterprises, Sefa is a founding intermediary partner for the launch of LendForGood. We believe that there is close alignment with our objectives of unlocking capital from various sources, including not only philanthropy or government but also community investors. 

This newly launched platform enables anyone to join the crowd and easily lend capital to fuel impact enterprises as they solve social and environmental challenges in their local communities and around the world. Lend your passion and help impact enterprises access capital at the right time, on the right terms, to meet their business needs and deliver more impact. Sign up on their website for updates and invitations to their information sessions ahead of the go live. 

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